Sunday, January 4, 2009

Ice Skating! Pics

Here are the pics from Ice Skating! on New Year's Day. Have you noticed that I can't really write "Ice Skating!" without putting an exclamation point behind it? There's something to that... hahaha!

Best Friends!
You know, it's hard to get a non-action (a.k.a., non-blurry) shot when you're out on an ice rink...

Cloe's first time on the ice - she said "I only want to go with my friend Amy Kingston!" Thankfully, Stacey went with us for back-up... just in case!

Rob and Dan... looking spiffy! They tried out some pretty fancy tricks on the ice.

Kennedy and Kaela, watching from the sidelines and acting as the unofficial photographers.

Good times! Until the fall that came shortly after this pic... but even that was pretty fun, I must admit!

Megan and I... check out the speed!

Megan and Brian taking a well-deserved break...

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